A class of iterative methods for solving nonlinear operator equations
Authors: Evkhuta N., Zabreǐko P. P.
Keywords: Hilbert spaces; Banach spaces; Bynum's property
The article deals with gradient-like iterative methods for solving nonlinear operator equations on Hilbert and Banach spaces. The authors formulate a general principle of studying such methods. This principle allows to formulate simple conditions of convergence of the method under consideration, to estimate the rate of this convergence and to give effective APRIORI and APOSTERIORI error estimates in terms of a scalar function that is constructed on the base of estimates for properties of invertibility and smoothness of linearizations of the left-hand side of the equations under study. The principle is applicable for analysis of such classical methods as method of minimal residuals, method of steepest descent, method of minimal errors and others. The main results are obtained for operator equations on Hilbert spaces and Banach spaces with a special property, that is called Bynum property.
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