On some irregularity measures of graphs
Authors: Milovanović Ž., Milovanović E.I., Irić V.Ć., Jovanović N.
Keywords: Zagreb indices; irregularity measures; inequalities
Let Γ(G) be a set of all simple graphs of order n and size m, without isolated vertices, with vertex degree sequence d1 ≥ d2 ≥ … ≥ dn > 0. A graph G is regular if and only if d1 = d2 = … = dn . Each mapping Irr: Γ(G) ›→ [0, +∞) with the property Irr(G) = 0 if and only if G is regular, is referred to as irregularity measure of graph. In this paper we introduce some new irregularity measures and inequalities that establish relations between them.
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