Some properties of meromorphic solutions of higher order linear difference equations

Authors: Belaïdi Benharrat, Benkarouba Yamina

Keywords: complex linear difference equation; meromorphic solution; iterated p-order; iterated p-type


Abstract: In this paper, we investigate the growth of solutions of the linear difference equations Ak(z)f(z+ck) +Ak-1(z)f(z+ck-1) +···+A1(z)f(z+c1) +A0(z)f(z) = 0, Ak(z)f(z+ck) +Ak-1(z)f(z+ck-1) +···+A1(z)f(z+c1) +A0(z)f(z) = F(z), where Ak(z),··· ,A0(z), F(z)(/≡ 0) are entire functions and ck ,··· , ck1 are distinct non-zero complex numbers. We extend some precedent results due to Liu and Mao [15].


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